LARC Materials Released for Adaptation and Use

Projects and organizations worldwide interested in expanding the contraceptive method mix for young people to include LARCs through generating demand among youth and improving provider-client interaction during contraceptive counseling sessions are free to use and adapt these materials.

Building Partnerships to Bring Health Improvements to Sierra Leone Communities

Post by Caitlin Loehr, HC3 Program Officer and Emma Vincent,…
Portraits in the exhibition room highlight the power of youth.

How to Best Serve Youth; Learnings from Women Deliver

One of the defining features of the recent Women Deliver conference was the spotlight on youth leaders from around the world.

Mobile Phones Light the Way to Health Knowledge for Providers and Clients in India

The ubiquitous mobile phone - and the many apps which are so…

Communicating About Zika: Messaging for Pregnant Women and Women of Reproductive Age

What messaging works for protecting women of reproductive age…

HC3 Helps Liberian Ministry of Health Launch Healthy Life Brand Nationwide

The Liberian Ministry of Health (MOH) launched its Healthy Life…

Putting Women and Girls at the Heart of the SDGs: Reflections from Women Deliver 2016

I had the pleasure of going to Copenhagen to attend the 2016 Women Deliver Conference – an international rallying cry to put women’s and girls’ needs at the heart of the sustainable development goals (SDGs).

Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Health Care Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review

To maximize the impact of SBCC activities among HCWs, program designers and implementers must first develop an awareness of the barriers and facilitators that effect HCWs in providing these services.

Webinar on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy's Forgotten Audiences: Addressing Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies

This May 25, 2016 webinar highlighted the importance of addressing and preventing the risks of pregnancies among women of advanced maternal age (AMA) and high parity (HP).

When the Evidence Is Not Enough: Hormonal Contraception and HIV Webinar Recap

Uncertainty remains around hormonal contraception and its link…