Health Communication is Key for Achieving an AIDS-Free Generation

The year actor Rock Hudson died from AIDS-related causes, global…
Uganda Springboard

Strategic Roles for Health Communication in Combination HIV Prevention and Care Programs

Co-sponsored by the CFAR Prevention Core and Health Communication…
JAIDS health communication and HIV prevention

New JAIDS Supplement Highlights Health Communication’s Essential Role in HIV Prevention and Care

The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) released…
Uganda Springboard

JAIDS Supplement: Health Communication in HIV Prevention and Care

The Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes (JAIDS) has published…
Uganda Springboard

The Impact of Community-Level Factors on Condom Use

Community-level factors, ranging from social capital to collective efficacy, play an important role in condom use. This brief highlights key studies demonstrating the impact of community-level factors on condom use in low and middle-income countries.
Uganda Springboard

Health Communication Impact on Condom Use

Condom use can be promoted through various ways within a health communication context, including mass media, entertainment-education, interpersonal communication and school-based interventions. This brief highlights key studies demonstrating the impact of health communication on condom use in low- and middle-income countries.
HIV Testing and Counseling

HIV Testing and Counseling

HIV testing and counseling (HTC) may be strengthened through…
blended learning image

What is Blended Learning?

The following observations were gleaned from HC3’s recent expert…
Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes

Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes Webinar: Participant Questions Answered

HC3 recently hosted a highly engaging webinar, Impact of Community…
Chlorhexidine to Reduce Newborn Mortality

New 'Trending Topic' Collection in Health COMpass: Chlorhexidine to Reduce Newborn Mortality

A baby's first day of life should not be dangerous – but…
Uganda Springboard

Uganda Springboard Event Draws Country's SBCC Practitioners

The African Network for Strategic Communication in Health and…