Entries by Claudia Vondrasek | Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, Francophone Team Leader

HC3 Emergency Communication Tools Shared with West African Countries Fighting Multiple Disease Outbreaks

Given the importance of implementing effective social and behavior change activities to control the spread of disease outbreaks, the West Africa Health Organization (WAHO) and United Nations Development Program (UNDP) invited the HC3 project to share risk communication tools and experiences at a joint WAHO-WHO-UNDP four-day workshop in Abuja, Nigeria on Tuesday, July 11.

New Catalog of Social and Behavior Change Communication Tools in English, French and Arabic

This catalog is a superb collection of tools which were developed by the HC3 project to make our lives easier. The tools facilitate the standardized development of activities, explore theories that can help us to understand our objectives, and allow us to ensure the quality of our interventions.

Consultez le nouveau catalogue des outils HC3 !

Je vous encourage à prendre deux minutes pour parcourir les ressources HC3 sur le site web, et de télécharger le catalogue pour avoir la version visuelle de matériaux à imprimer. Je suis sûre que ces deux minutes deviendront dix et que vous ajouterez un marque-page sur la page internet pour pouvoir y revenir.