SBCC Summit: Student Competition Q&A

Prospective applicants to the SBCC Lion’s Den, a Health Communication case competition, were given the opportunity to submit clarifying questions by the deadline outlined in the Call for Proposals. Answers to questions submitted by potential applicants have been posted below. As indicated in the Call for Proposals, questions and responses are shared with all prospective applicants. studentcompetition

The deadline for all applications is 11:59 P.M. EST, Baltimore time, Friday, January 8, 2016.

  1. Is the competition open to students around the world or only in Ethiopia?

There are no restrictions to the geographic location or size of each team; however, the committee will only cover travel expenses for three members of any finalist teams from lower- or lower middle income countries (as defined by the World Bank).

  1. Our group has an innovation that particularly targets adolescent sexual reproductive health social change. Is this project eligible for the competition?

Proposals must focus on handwashing as an intervention area that addresses a related health topic as outlined in the Call for Proposals.  All proposals that adhere to the guidelines are eligible.

  1. Will teams that place 2nd and 3rd receive any type of monetary award to help make their projects a reality?

Only the 1st place team will receive funding to implement their project; however, representatives of the 2nd and 3rd place teams will be provided with the opportunity to attend the SBCC Summit free of cost, network with members of the global community of SBCC professionals, and receive mentoring from SBCC experts.

  1. Is it appropriate to submit a proposal that stems from an existing intervention, but focuses on identifying and addresses gaps in the current system?

Proposals can focus on specific ways to extend or add novel, innovative elements to an existing intervention rather than proposing an entirely new one. However, funding cannot be used to replicate or scale an existing intervention as-is, or conduct a gap analysis—any gaps must be identified beforehand and included in the background/context section of the proposal as part of the basis for the project idea.

  1. What are the specific dates that students will need to be present at the Summit? Additionally, what is the extent of travel expenses (i.e. food, airfare, lodging) covered for those from low to middle income countries?

Students should attend the Summit for the full three days so that they can receive mentoring and critical feedback and guidance prior to their final presentations. Expenses that are covered include: airfare, visa, accommodation, food and registration to the Summit.

  1. Is it appropriate to involve faculty or graduates in the project?

Faculty and graduates can serve as advisors or mentors to student teams but they cannot be core members of any team and are not eligible to receive funding support for Summit participation through this competition.

  1. Is a graduate from a post graduate school eligible to apply or participate in the competition?

The competition is only for students who are currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program.

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