
HC3 Animated Infographic Shows How and Why SBCC Works
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) has produced…

Implementing SBCC Tools with Femina Hip (Part Two)
Femina Hip staff attends two-day social media strategy workshop, with the help of Health COMpass materials.

Thinking Locally AND Globally: Health4Life in Nepal
We’ve all heard the old adage: “Think globally, act locally.”…

Not Such an Odd Couple: Building Trust Between Scientists and Journalists
If you’re a health journalist, some of your most important…
HC3 Resources

Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review
A key step in designing and implementing effective SBCC programs for CHWs is understanding the barriers and facilitators that effect CHWs in providing these services.

Community Engagement
Behavior change is something that cannot happen in isolation.…

Improving Reproductive Health in Nepal Using SBCC
Nepal has made considerable progress in improving reproductive…

Using the Health COMpass to Strengthen Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity
Through a needs assessment with local non-governmental organizations…

Influencing the Sexual and Reproductive Health of Urban Youth through Social and Behavior Change Communication
Increasingly, the world's youth are growing up in, or moving…
HC3 worked with Egypt’s Ministry of Health and Population…