SMS Monitoring Survey: Zika Prevention Knowledge and Behaviors in Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras
To inform and support the Zika communication activities in the Latin American and Caribbean region, HC3 conducted a quantitative SMS survey in the four focus countries of the USAID Zika Response (El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Dominican Republic) to derive estimates for specific Zika-related knowledge and prevention behavior. This report details the results of the first of three waves of this survey.

Webinar: Men as More than Partners: Increasing Men’s Use of Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services through SBCC
This June 21, 2017 webinar featured presentations on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions designed to successfully increase men's demand for and use of sexual and reproductive health products and services.

HC3 in Action: SBCC in Public Health Emergencies
This brief, part of the "HC3 in Action" series, describes key examples, challenges and insights from across the project that informed the development of the Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Emergency Helix, a programmatic framework for integrating SBCC throughout a public health emergency.

Webinar: The Critical Role of Social and Behavior Change across the Service Delivery Continuum
This webcast event explored successes, challenges and promising approaches in the integration of social and behavior change (SBC) along the service delivery continuum to improve health outcomes. Following the presentation of a new overarching model developed by HC3 – the Circle of Care – a panel discussion focused on grounded strategies which have been used to effectively integrate SBC to improve service-related outcomes across a range of health areas.

Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men
The Guide for Promoting Sexual and Reproductive Health Products and Services for Men focuses on meaningfully engaging men and creating an enabling environment to increase men’s use of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) products and services.

How Social and Behavior Change Works in Partnership with Service Delivery
Using examples from HC3 country projects in Nepal, Nigeria and Swaziland, this video illustrates the integral role SBC interventions played along the service delivery continuum in achieving positive outcomes.

The SBCC Challenge
This video explains how communication can change behavior.

The Circle of Care Model
The Circle of Care Model shows how service delivery and SBC can work together to improve health outcomes.

Service Delivery Continuum: SBC Tools and Resources
To improve service-related health outcomes, clients must access…

Compound Meeting Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart is intended to be used by community mobilizers in Nigeria making visits to compounds in order to discuss family planning and birth spacing options for women, describing how they, their families and communities at large benefit from birth spacing. English and Hausa are included side-by-side.

Community Dialogue Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart, which includes English and Hausa side-by-side,…