
Radio Learning Program Launched in Liberia with MOH and Partners
Beginning Saturday, April 2, 2016, Community Health Volunteers…

HC3’s Newest I-Kit Focuses on Integrating Gender into SBCC Programming
Figuring out how to best integrate gender into your social and…

HC3 News Feed Now Published on Apple News
Apple News, an aggregator of news from top media outlets to independent…

Communities Taking Action to Improve Health: Changing the Story of Post-Abortion Care in Kenya
The Rift Valley Province's abortion-related outpatient deaths have been the highest in Kenya since 2003. Post-abortion care became an urgent priority.

Kumi Naidoo Notes the Power of Communication for Change
At the first International Social and Behavior Change Communication…

Le Manuel de mise en œuvre de la CCSC mobilise les experts pour examiner comment mieux servir la SSR des jeunes en milieu urbain
Le projet Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) vient de lancer la version francophone de son manuel de mise en œuvre pour la communication pour le changement social et comportemental (CCSC) de la santé sexuelle et reproductive (SSR) destinée aux adolescents en milieu urbain (le Manuel).

Webinar Recap: Using ICT Approaches to Generate Demand for RMNCAH
Generating demand for underutilized commodities poses a challenge…

HC3 Now Conducting Rapid Assessment of Zika SBCC Efforts in Latin America
When dealing with a public health crisis caused by an emerging…

Revisiting Behaviors that Can Prevent Maternal and Child Mortality
Tremendous strides have been made in the past several decades…

SBCC Summit Recap: David Neal Tells Crowd to Consider Habits in SBCC Programming
At the International Social and Behavior Change Communication…

Sierra Leone's MamaYe Campaign Featured in RMNCH Workshop
Guest post by Sallieu Sesay, Communications Officer at MamaYe…