Ébola: Kit de Implementação de Preparação
Este Kit de Implementação de Preparação de Comunicação do Ébola (I-Kit) oferece aos intervenientes, bem como aos gestores de programa, nacionais e locais considerações fundamentais e um plano para a instituição e implementação de comunicação crítica, relevante, prática e atempada na resposta à ameaça de um surto da doença por vírus do Ébola (DVE).

Comunicação para a Mudança Social e de Comportamento para Preparação de Emergência
No despertar do Ébola e no auge do surto Zika, mais do que nunca o foco é sobre a importância de sistemas de saúde fortes e resilientes 1 que sirvam e promovam o bem-estar dos indivíduos, famílias e comunidades.

HC3 in Action: SBCC in Public Health Emergencies
This brief, part of the "HC3 in Action" series, describes key examples, challenges and insights from across the project that informed the development of the Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) Emergency Helix, a programmatic framework for integrating SBCC throughout a public health emergency.

The SBCC Emergency Helix
This report describes HC3's framework – the SBCC Emergency…

Webinar: Improving Public Health Emergency Programs with SBCC
This January 26, 2017 webinar introduced the SBCC Emergency Helix and practical resources for integrating it into current and future public health emergencies. Speakers discussed the importance of continuous community engagement, formative and operational research, and media partnership in emergency contexts, drawing on their experiences with the Ebola and Zika responses.

Webinar: Strengthening Emergency Response through Social and Behavior Change Communication
This September 29, 2016 webinar explored the importance of SBCC…

Social and Behavior Change Communication for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit
By completing the exercises presented in this I-Kit, national governments will be better prepared to manage serious public health events. In completing this I-Kit, users will gain an understanding of the key considerations for an SBCC emergency preparedness plan and the foundation of an SBCC strategy, one of the key documents for an emergency communication response.

Ebola Risk Communication Project in Liberia: Lessons in Crisis Communication
This report, produced by the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health to document its work on HC3's Ebola Risk Communication project in Liberia, details the project's goals of understanding and documenting Ebola-related communication efforts in the country to better inform communication approaches to future crises.

HC3 Landscaping Summary Report on Zika Coordination and Communication in Four Countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Guatemala
In response to a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) request, the Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) – based at the Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP) – conducted a social and behavior change communication (SBCC) landscape for Zika in four Central American countries: Honduras, El Salvador, Dominican Republic and Guatemala.

Ebola: A Behavior-Driven Crisis
This web-based multimedia package released by HC3 focuses on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in the context of a public health crisis.

Ebola Communication Preparedness Implementation Kit
The I-Kit guides countries in social and behavior change communication (SBCC) and risk communication activity planning, including communication plan development for every stage of an Ebola response.