Impact of Health Communication Across the HIV Treatment Cascade

Impact of Health Communication Across the HIV Treatment Cascade

Current research underlines the importance of interpersonal communication in linkage to care through counseling, both in clinical settings and at patients’ homes.
Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes

Impact of Community Level Factors on HIV Outcomes

On July 1, HC3 held the third in a series of four webinars focusing on different aspects of HIV and health communication. Presentations focused on community level factors shown to impact HIV, what they are and what effect they have; community-level determinants that potentiate or mitigate HIV outcomes among key populations; and included an example of a community-based project that aimed to reduce HIV transmission and stigma in Mozambique by targeting social and gender factors.

Innovation Webinar 5: Behavioral Economics

HC3 held the fifth Health Communication Innovation Webinar focusing…
blended learning fact sheet

Blended Learning for Social and Behavior Change Communication Fact Sheet

Blended learning, or the use of a variety of media and learning…
blended learning

Blended Learning for Social and Behavior Change Communication: A Literature Review

Blended learning, or the use of a variety of media and learning…

Impact of Community-Level Factors on HIV Prevention Outcomes

This review synthesizes diverse work from low- and middle-income…
Using The HealthCOMpass to Strengthen Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity

Strengthening Social and Behavior Change Communication Gender Capacity in Cote d'Ivoire

This case study provides an overview of two workshops held in 2013 in Cote d'Ivoire to field test the Health COMpass. After identifying a gap in social and behavior change communication capacity related to gender, the ISOFI toolkit from CARE and ICRW was chosen as the basis of the two workshops.

Using the Health COMpass to Strengthen Social and Behavior Change Communication Capacity

Through a needs assessment with local non-governmental organizations…

Second HIV Expert Consultation Considers Community-Level Factors

This fact sheet summarizes HC3’s second HIV expert consultation,…
Spotlight on Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Spotlight on Antenatal Corticosteroids for Preterm Respiratory Distress Syndrome

Studies have found that the antenatal corticosteroid (ACS) injection for women at risk of preterm delivery is the most effective intervention to reduce the risk of Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS) for preterm babies.

Spotlight on Chlorhexidine for Umbilical Cord Care

Chlorhexidine is a low-cost antiseptic effective against major agents of neonatal infection. However, it remains underutilized, and as such, has been identified by the UN Commission on Life-Saving Commodities for Women’s and Children’s Health as one of 13 commodities that if more widely accessed and properly used, could save the lives of more than six million women and children worldwide.