Social and Behavior Change Communication for Emergency Preparedness Implementation Kit

By completing the exercises presented in this I-Kit, national governments will be better prepared to manage serious public health events. In completing this I-Kit, users will gain an understanding of the key considerations for an SBCC emergency preparedness plan and the foundation of an SBCC strategy, one of the key documents for an emergency communication response.

Service Communication Implementation Kit

This I-Kit aims to help service delivery project managers effectively use service communication to enhance the impact of their project. It can be used to help increase demand for and uptake of services, and improve consistent long-term maintenance of healthy behaviors.

Webinar: SBCC Approaches to Provider Behavior Change

This September 27, 2016 webinar explored the application of SBCC for influencing provider behavior change. Panelists discussed the challenges in influencing provider behavior, particularly provider interaction with clients, the evidence for applying an SBCC approach to provider behavior change and examples of tools and specific approaches for influencing provider behavior.

Ebola Risk Communication Project in Liberia: Lessons in Crisis Communication

This report, produced by the George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health to document its work on HC3's Ebola Risk Communication project in Liberia, details the project's goals of understanding and documenting Ebola-related communication efforts in the country to better inform communication approaches to future crises.

Swaziland Dual Protection Materials

Swaziland Dual Protection materials provide information about how to DOUBLE UP – two methods are better than one – to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STIs

Young Women's Savings and Empowerment Clubs: A Guide for Mentors

The Young Women Empowerment programme focuses on reducing the vulnerability of young women (20-24) to HIV and gender based violence (GBV) through community-based HIV prevention, using a combination of socio-economic approaches. This tool is focusing on economic empowerment, conducting financial education training and helping to start savings and loans self-help clubs for young women.

Engaging Community Leaders: A Tool For Facilitating Dialogue

This tool is aimed at engaging community leaders to reduce vulnerabilities and increase the safety of adolescent girls and young women (AGYW) in Swaziland's HIV response. It was developed to assist community leaders in creating a protective environment to reduce the vulnerability of AGYW and advocate for modification of harmful cultural norms and practices that place AGYW at risk of HIV infection.

Healthy Life Campaign Materials (Liberia)

While the Healthy Life logo has existed since 2010, HC3 supported…

Journey to a Bright Future Guide

This facilitator manual is part of a set of materials developed for use under the HC3/Sierra Leone project that will be used for training and leading community discussions which complement the HC3/Sierra Leone activities being carried out at the health facility level, as well as through mass media and national level capacity strengthening.

Webinar: Six Local Stories of Generating Demand for RMNCAH Commodities

This September 8, 2016 webinar brought together six panelists – all recipients of a small project grant – to discuss their experiences in adapting and using the Demand Generation I-Kit for their local context and their efforts toward developing and implementing demand generation strategies in their respective countries.