
AfriComNet Holds Third Uganda Learning Forum on Designing Effective SBCC Campaigns
Social and Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) is a process…

HC3 University Initiative Webinar "How to Get Published—A Conversation with Journal Editors"
During a university needs assessment in 2014, HC3 identified some of the greatest challenges universities in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia face, including limited access to current literature, limited opportunities for scholarly publication and limited opportunities to participate in local, regional and international scholarly networks.

Communication Research and the Response to Ebola: An ICA Panel May 21-25
On May 22, the Health Communication Collaborative (HC3) will…

Employing a Community-Media Feedback Loop in Nigeria
The National Malaria Elimination Program (NMEP) commemorated…

SMS Contraception Messages Reach Thousands of Mozambican Youth
With more than 45 percent of people under the age of 15, Mozambique…

Integrating SMS Messaging into Your SBCC Campaign
Social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns with…

Wondering How to Get Published? Join our Next Webinar, "A Conversation with Journal Editors”
During a university needs assessment in 2013, the Health Communication…

Continuing the Discussion on Using Household Surveys to Improve Malaria SBCC
Household surveys are key tools for health practitioners and…

Health COMpass Publishes Five New SBCC How-To Guides
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative's Health COMpass…

Data Offers Deeper Insight into Factors Related to Malaria Behaviors
Health journalists have long known the importance of mobilizing…