Les Brochures des méthodes contraceptives réversibles à longue durée d’action (CRLDA)
Ces brochures expliquent les des méthodes contraceptives réversibles…

Plan de Acción de Comunicación en Zika: República Dominicana
El documento presentado en las páginas siguientes, es el resultado de este proceso consultivo y participativo. Los fundamentos técnicos de este Plan de Acción tienen como sombrilla la Estrategia Nacional de Comunicación de Riesgos para Emergencias Sanitarias y Desastres en República Dominicana y como referencia, la Guía de Contenidos para Mensajes Clave Comunicacionales, Ante el Dengue, Zika y Chikungunya para la Población en General y las Embarazadas.

Compound Meeting Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart is intended to be used by community mobilizers in Nigeria making visits to compounds in order to discuss family planning and birth spacing options for women, describing how they, their families and communities at large benefit from birth spacing. English and Hausa are included side-by-side.

Community Dialogue Flip Chart: Childbirth Spacing is Good for Everyone
This flip chart, which includes English and Hausa side-by-side,…

Swaziland Dual Protection Materials
Swaziland Dual Protection materials provide information about how to DOUBLE UP – two methods are better than one – to prevent pregnancy, HIV and STIs

Healthy Life Campaign Materials (Liberia)
While the Healthy Life logo has existed since 2010, HC3 supported…

Ebola: A Behavior-Driven Crisis
This web-based multimedia package released by HC3 focuses on social and behavior change communication (SBCC) in the context of a public health crisis.

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Posters
The seven posters help health care providers counsel young women on the benefits of Long-Acting Reversible Contraceptives (LARCs).

Long-Acting Reversible Contraception Brochures
These brochures are part of a collection of materials for health…