The Human Element in the Fight Against Malaria
April 25 is a day when organizations around the world raise…

SBCC Leads to Increased HIV Testing and Condom Use in Malawi
A new article published online April 16 in the journal AIDS…

Visualize Your Data! New Focus Package on Health COMpass on Data Visualization Materials
Most of the time when we think about representing numbers in…

HC3 to Co-Facilitate SRH Youth and Leadership Forum on LeaderNet, April 22-24, 2014
Youth are increasingly a priority audience for sexual and reproductive…

What Does Behavior Change Have to do with World Health Day?
This past Monday, we celebrated World Health Day, which focused…

Behavior Change Communication: A Requirement for Effective Health Programming
Most if not all health interventions require an element of…

New Report Examines the Drivers of Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies
What drives women to have pregnancies after the age of 35 or…

Recap of Improving HIV Outcomes through Health Communication Webinar
HC3’s March 26 webinar on Improving HIV Outcomes through Health…

Strengthening Health Communication Capacity
Strengthening the capacity of local organizations is at the heart…

HC3 Research Primers Aid in SBCC Program Design
The Health Communication Capacity Collaborative (HC3) is…

New Focus Package on Health COMpass Specific to Counseling Resources
The Health COMpass’ latest Focus Package is a collection…