Factors Impacting the Effectiveness of Community Health Worker Behavior Change: A Literature Review
A key step in designing and implementing effective SBCC programs for CHWs is understanding the barriers and facilitators that effect CHWs in providing these services.

Review and Assessment of Malaria Case Management SBCC Strategies in Ethiopia, Rwanda, Senegal and Zambia
This is a desk review that identifies promising SBCC practices related to malaria case management at both community and service provider levels in four focus countries: Zambia, Ethiopia, Rwanda and Senegal.

How to Get Published – A Conversation with Journal Editors Webinar
On May 11, HC3 hosted a University Initiative webinar/roundtable…

Gender Equity and Family Planning Outcomes in Health Communication Programs: A Secondary Data Analysis (Full Report)
After a brief introduction to the importance of gender equity for health communication efforts to improve RH outcomes, this report outlines the methodology and results for each of the data sets analyzed.

Gender Equity in Health Communication Programs (Report Summary)
Gender equity is an important determinant of health, especially in the area of reproductive health and family
planning. Yet, evaluating the relationship between gender equity and family planning programs is not a
simple task.

Demand Generation for 13 Life-Saving Commodities: A Synthesis of the Evidence
This report reviews, assesses and synthesizes the current evidence…

Community Perspectives about Ebola in Bong, Lofa and Montserrado Counties of Liberia: Results of a Qualitative Study
This study aimed to assess differences in community perceptions…

University Initiative Webinar - Models of University Engagement with Practice
University Initiative Webinar “Models of University Engagement…

Propensity Score Matching
Propensity Score Matching (PSM) is a statistical technique that…

Ideation refers to how new ways of thinking (or new behaviors)…

Social Learning Theory
Social (or Observational) Learning Theory stipulates that people…