Webinaire : La planification et l’espacement idéal des grossesses pour la santé : les audiences oubliés
le 7 juillet 2016
Une présentation et discussion sur l’importance…

Webinar on Healthy Timing and Spacing of Pregnancy's Forgotten Audiences: Addressing Advanced Maternal Age and High Parity Pregnancies
This May 25, 2016 webinar highlighted the importance of addressing and preventing the risks of pregnancies among women of advanced maternal age (AMA) and high parity (HP).

When the Evidence Is Not Enough: Hormonal Contraception and HIV Webinar
This May 17, 2016 webinar, moderated by Nithya Mani, Office of HIV/AIDS, USAID, introduced a new communication framework around hormonal contraception, provided discussion around the adaptation process in Malawi and Swaziland, and included the perspective of women living with HIV related to this issue.

Webinar on LARC Methods: Increasing Contraceptive Options for Youth
This webinar, held on April 26, 2016, discussed important milestones…

India Learning Forum: How Can SBCC Capacity Be Strengthened?
An expert panel presented on Capacity Strengthening for SBCC in a face-to-face forum in New Delhi on April 5, 2016 that was also broadcast simultaneously as a webinar.

Innovation Webinar 12: GIS and Location-Based Interventions
This March 29, 2016 webinar focused on utilizing GIS and location-based interventions as a part of social and behavior change communication (SBCC) campaigns.

Webinar: Using ICT Approaches to Generate Demand for RMNCAH
This March 9, 2016 webinar highlights best practices and lessons learned from pioneering programs that used Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) to generate demand for RMNCAH products and services.

Webinar: What Do Men Have to Do With It? An Update on Vasectomy Trends and Program Successes
This March 2, 2016 webinar, hosted by the Vasectomy Working Group within the LARC/PM Community of Practice and moderated by Alice Payne Merritt, Director of Technical Programs, Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs, focused on vasectomy trends around the world.

Webinaire: Manuel de mis en œuvre pour la communication pour le changement social et comportemental de la santé sexuelle et reproductive destinée aux adolescents en milieu urbain
Webinaire: Manuel de mis en œuvre pour la communication pour…

Innovation Webinar 11: Transmedia and Entertainment-Education
This December 8, 2015 webinar on transmedia and entertainment-education for social and behavior change communication (SBCC) marked the eleventh in HC3’s innovation webinar series, which highlights and examines cutting-edge applications of digital technology to advance global health.

Transforming Gender Norms: Innovative Approaches to Working with Men and Boys for Better RMNCH Webinar
This webinar was held on December 1, 2015, and highlighted couple communication programs employing different approaches to transforming gender norms and behaviors with an emphasis on men and boys.